Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
309795CF1737B. Ela's Fitness and the Luxury Number000.000%
309797CF1737D. Ela and the Wiring Wizard000.000%
309826CF1741C. Minimize the Thickness000.000%
309828CF1741E. Sending a Sequence Over the Network000.000%
309840CF1743C. Save the Magazines000.000%
309855CF1746D. Paths on the Tree000.000%
309863CF1747D. Yet Another Problem000.000%
309865CF1748A. The Ultimate Square000.000%
309869CF1748E. Yet Another Array Counting Problem000.000%
309876CF1749F. Distance to the Path000.000%
309891CF1753D. The Beach000.000%
309900CF1754F. The Beach000.000%
309915CF1759C. Thermostat000.000%
309917CF1759E. The Humanoid000.000%
309919CF1759G. Restore the Permutation000.000%
309944CF1763C. Another Array Problem000.000%
309958CF1765A. Access Levels000.000%
309959CF1765B. Broken Keyboard000.000%
309960CF1765C. Card Guessing000.000%
309961CF1765D. Watch the Videos000.000%
309962CF1765E. Exchange000.000%
309963CF1765F. Chemistry Lab000.000%
309964CF1765G. Guess the String000.000%
309965CF1765H. Hospital Queue000.000%
309966CF1765I. Infinite Chess000.000%
309967CF1765J. Hero to Zero000.000%
309968CF1765K. Torus Path000.000%
309969CF1765L. Project Manager000.000%
309970CF1765M. Minimum LCM000.000%
309971CF1765N. Number Reduction000.000%
309978CF1767A. Cut the Triangle000.000%
309982CF1767E. Algebra Flash000.000%
310000CF1770C. Koxia and Number Theory000.000%
310019CF1773A. Amazing Trick000.000%
310020CF1773B. BinCoin000.000%
310022CF1773D. Dominoes000.000%
310023CF1773E. Easy Assembly000.000%
310024CF1773F. Football000.000%
310025CF1773G. Game of Questions000.000%
310026CF1773H. Hot and Cold000.000%
310027CF1773I. Interactive Factorial Guessing000.000%
310028CF1773J. Jumbled Trees000.000%
310030CF1773L. Lisa's Sequences000.000%
310040CF1775A1. Gardener and the Capybaras (easy version)000.000%
310041CF1775A2. Gardener and the Capybaras (hard version)000.000%
310042CF1775B. Gardener and the Array000.000%
310045CF1775E. The Human Equation000.000%
310051CF1776E. Crossing the Railways000.000%
310053CF1776G. Another Wine Tasting Event000.000%
310068CF1778B. The Forbidden Permutation000.000%
310071CF1778E. The Tree Has Fallen!000.000%
310079CF1779G. The Game of the Century000.000%
310080CF1779H. Olympic Team Building000.000%
310088CF1781B. Going to the Cinema000.000%
310097CF1782B. Going to the Cinema000.000%
310107CF1783C. Yet Another Tournament000.000%
310109CF1783E. Game of the Year000.000%
310133CF1787C. Remove the Bracket000.000%
310135CF1787E. The Harmonization of XOR000.000%
310152CF1790A. Polycarp and the Day of Pi000.000%
310174CF1793A. Yet Another Promotion000.000%
310184CF1794E. Labeling the Tree with Distances000.000%
310208CF1800B. Count the Number of Pairs000.000%
310209CF1800C1. Powering the Hero (easy version)000.000%
310210CF1800C2. Powering the Hero (hard version)000.000%
310214CF1800F. Dasha and Nightmares000.000%
310227CF1798F. Gifts from Grandfather Ahmed000.000%
310228CF1801A. The Very Beautiful Blanket000.000%
310231CF1801D. The way home000.000%
310233CF1801F. Another n-dimensional chocolate bar000.000%
310237CF1802C. The Very Beautiful Blanket000.000%
310240CF1802F. The way home000.000%
310250CF1805A. We Need the Zero000.000%
310251CF1805B. The String Has a Target000.000%
310254CF1805E. There Should Be a Lot of Maximums000.000%
310255CF1805F1. Survival of the Weakest (easy version)000.000%
310256CF1805F2. Survival of the Weakest (hard version)000.000%
310265CF1807B. Grab the Candies000.000%
310289CF1810D. Climbing the Tree000.000%
310292CF1810G. The Maximum Prefix000.000%
310296CF1811C. Restore the Array000.000%
310300CF1811G1. Vlad and the Nice Paths (easy version)000.000%
310301CF1811G2. Vlad and the Nice Paths (hard version)010.000%
310332CF1819B. The Butcher000.000%
310333CF1819C. The Fox and the Complete Tree Traversal000.000%
310340CF1820D. The Butcher000.000%
310341CF1820E. The Fox and the Complete Tree Traversal000.000%
311208CF1950A. Stair, Peak, or Neither?0100.000%
311340CF1971E. Find the Car0180.000%
400001GYM100001 A Theatre Square000.000%
400004GYM100002 A Amusing Numbers000.000%
400005GYM100002 B Bricks000.000%
400006GYM100002 C Cricket Field000.000%
400007GYM100002 D Decoding Task000.000%
400008GYM100002 E Evacuation Plan000.000%
400009GYM100002 F Folding000.000%
400010GYM100002 G Ghost Busters000.000%
400011GYM100002 H Heroes Of Might And Magic000.000%
400012GYM100002 I Inlay Cutters000.000%
400028GYM100015 A Another Rock-Paper-Scissors Problem000.000%