Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
102182[AtCoder]ABC218 C - Shapes000.000%
102187[AtCoder]ABC218 H - Red and Blue Lamps000.000%
102192[AtCoder]ABC219 C - Neo-lexicographic Ordering000.000%
102196[AtCoder]ABC219 G - Propagation000.000%
102200[AtCoder]ABC220 A - Find Multiple0110.000%
102203[AtCoder]ABC220 D - FG operation0110.000%
102204[AtCoder]ABC220 E - Distance on Large Perfect Binary Tree0200.000%
102206[AtCoder]ABC220 G - Isosceles Trapezium000.000%
102211[AtCoder]ABC221 B - typo030.000%
102216[AtCoder]ABC221 G - Jumping sequence000.000%
102225[AtCoder]ABC222 F - Expensive Expense000.000%
102230[AtCoder]ABC223 A - Exact Price0100.000%
102233[AtCoder]ABC223 D - Restricted Permutation060.000%
102234[AtCoder]ABC223 E - Placing Rectangles090.000%
102235[AtCoder]ABC223 F - Parenthesis Checking0120.000%
102243[AtCoder]ABC224 D - 8 Puzzle on Graph000.000%
102245[AtCoder]ABC224 F - Problem where +s Separate Digits000.000%
102253[AtCoder]ABC225 D - Play Train000.000%
102263[AtCoder]ABC226 D - Teleportation000.000%
102265[AtCoder]ABC226 F - Score of Permutations000.000%
102273[AtCoder]ABC227 D - Project Planning000.000%
102274[AtCoder]ABC227 E - Swap000.000%
102283[AtCoder]ABC228 D - Linear Probing000.000%
102285[AtCoder]ABC228 F - Stamp Game000.000%
102294[AtCoder]ABC229 E - Graph Destruction000.000%
102295[AtCoder]ABC229 F - Make Bipartite000.000%
102301[AtCoder]ABC230 B - Triple Metre000.000%
102305[AtCoder]ABC230 F - Predilection000.000%
102306[AtCoder]ABC230 G - GCD Permutation000.000%
102310[AtCoder]ABC231 A - Water Pressure000.000%
102314[AtCoder]ABC231 E - Minimal payments000.000%
102321[AtCoder]ABC232 B - Caesar Cipher0120.000%
102322[AtCoder]ABC232 C - Graph Isomorphism090.000%
102324[AtCoder]ABC232 E - Rook Path060.000%
102325[AtCoder]ABC232 F - Simple Operations on Sequence010.000%
102326[AtCoder]ABC232 G - Modulo Shortest Path000.000%
102330[AtCoder]ABC233 A - 10yen Stamp000.000%
102332[AtCoder]ABC233 C - Product000.000%
102335[AtCoder]ABC233 F - Swap and Sort000.000%
102342[AtCoder]ABC234 C - Happy New Year!000.000%
102343[AtCoder]ABC234 D - Prefix K-th Max000.000%
102347[AtCoder]ABC234 Ex - Enumerate Pairs000.000%
102353[AtCoder]ABC235 D - Multiply and Rotate000.000%
102357[AtCoder]ABC235 Ex - Painting Weighted Graph000.000%
102362[AtCoder]ABC236 C - Route Map000.000%
102365[AtCoder]ABC236 F - Spices000.000%
102367[AtCoder]ABC236 Ex - Distinct Multiples000.000%
102371[AtCoder]ABC237 B - Matrix Transposition000.000%
102380[AtCoder]ABC238 A - Exponential or Quadratic000.000%
102381[AtCoder]ABC238 B - Pizza000.000%
102387[AtCoder]ABC238 Ex - Removing People000.000%
102393[AtCoder]ABC239 D - Prime Sum Game000.000%
102397[AtCoder]ABC239 Ex - Dice Product 2000.000%
102402[AtCoder]ABC240 C - Jumping Takahashi000.000%
102406[AtCoder]ABC240 G - Teleporting Takahashi000.000%
102411[AtCoder]ABC241 B - Pasta000.000%
102414[AtCoder]ABC241 E - Putting Candies000.000%
102422[AtCoder]ABC242 C - 1111gal password000.000%
102426[AtCoder]ABC242 G - Range Pairing Query000.000%
102427[AtCoder]ABC242 Ex - Random Painting000.000%
102430[AtCoder]ABC243 A - Shampoo000.000%
102443[AtCoder]ABC244 D - Swap Hats000.000%
102445[AtCoder]ABC244 F - Shortest Good Path000.000%
102446[AtCoder]ABC244 G - Construct Good Path000.000%
102453[AtCoder]ABC245 D - Polynomial division0150.000%
102454[AtCoder]ABC245 E - Wrapping Chocolate090.000%
102457[AtCoder]ABC245 Ex - Product Modulo 2000.000%
102460[AtCoder]ABC246 A - Four Points000.000%
102462[AtCoder]ABC246 C - Coupon000.000%
102464[AtCoder]ABC246 E - Bishop 2000.000%
102465[AtCoder]ABC246 F - typewriter000.000%
102477[AtCoder]ABC247 Ex - Rearranging Problem000.000%
102485[AtCoder]ABC248 F - Keep Connect000.000%
102491[AtCoder]ABC249 B - Perfect String000.000%
102495[AtCoder]ABC249 F - Ignore Operations000.000%
102502[AtCoder]ABC250 C - Adjacent Swaps000.000%
102504[AtCoder]ABC250 E - Prefix Equality000.000%
102507[AtCoder]ABC250 Ex - Trespassing Takahashi000.000%
102512[AtCoder]ABC251 C - Poem Online Judge000.000%
102515[AtCoder]ABC251 F - Two Spanning Trees000.000%
102516[AtCoder]ABC251 G - Intersection of Polygons000.000%
102526[AtCoder]ABC252 G - Pre-Order000.000%
102535[AtCoder]ABC253 F - Operations on a Matrix000.000%
102536[AtCoder]ABC253 G - Swap Many Times000.000%
102541[AtCoder]ABC254 B - Practical Computing000.000%
102542[AtCoder]ABC254 C - K Swap000.000%
102547[AtCoder]ABC254 Ex - Multiply or Divide by 2000.000%
102550[AtCoder]ABC255 A - You should output ARC, though this is ABC.000.000%
102551[AtCoder]ABC255 B - Light It Up000.000%
102552[AtCoder]ABC255 C - ±1 Operation 1 000.000%
102553[AtCoder]ABC255 D - ±1 Operation 2000.000%
102555[AtCoder]ABC255 F - Pre-order and In-order010.000%
102567[AtCoder]ABC256 Ex - I like Query Problem000.000%
102571[AtCoder]ABC257 B - 1D Pawn121770.588%
102573[AtCoder]ABC257 D - Jumping Takahashi 243710.811%
102574[AtCoder]ABC257 E - Addition and Multiplication 252917.241%
102575[AtCoder]ABC257 F - Teleporter Setting 1452.222%
102576[AtCoder]ABC257 G - Prefix Concatenation000.000%
102583[AtCoder]ABC258 D - Trophy000.000%
102584[AtCoder]ABC258 E - Packing Potatoes000.000%