Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
103011[Atcoder]ABC301 B - Fill the Gaps0100.000%
103014[Atcoder]ABC301 E - Pac-Takahashi 0130.000%
103016[Atcoder]ABC301 G - Worst Picture000.000%
103023[Atcoder]ABC302 D - Impartial Gift0190.000%
103033[Atcoder]ABC303 D - Shift vs. CapsLock060.000%
103040[Atcoder]ABC304 A - First Player060.000%
103043[Atcoder]ABC304 D - A Piece of Cake0100.000%
103044[Atcoder]ABC304 E - Good Graph030.000%
103047[Atcoder]ABC304 Ex - Constrained Topological Sort000.000%
103052[Atcoder]ABC305 C - Snuke the Cookie Picker070.000%
103053[Atcoder]ABC305 D - Sleep Log040.000%
103054[Atcoder]ABC305 E - Art Gallery on Graph080.000%
103055[Atcoder]ABC305 F - Dungeon Explore040.000%
103063[Atcoder]ABC306 D - Poisonous Full-Course090.000%
103064[Atcoder]ABC306 E - Best Performances040.000%
103073[Atcoder]ABC307 D - Mismatched Parentheses090.000%
103076[Atcoder]ABC307 G - Approximate Equalization000.000%
103081[Atcoder]ABC308 B - Default Price060.000%
103086[Atcoder]ABC308 G - Minimum Xor Pair Query000.000%
103096[Atcoder]ABC309 G - Ban Permutation010.000%
103097[Atcoder]ABC309 Ex - Simple Path Counting Problem000.000%
103101[Atcoder]ABC310 B - Strictly Superior050.000%
103103[Atcoder]ABC310 D - Peaceful Teams040.000%
103104[Atcoder]ABC310 E - NAND repeatedly030.000%
103106[Atcoder]ABC310 G - Takahashi And Pass-The-Ball Game000.000%
103117[Atcoder]ABC311 Ex - Many Illumination Plans000.000%
103125[Atcoder]ABC312 F - Cans and Openers040.000%
103132[Atcoder]ABC313 C - Approximate Equalization 2090.000%
103134[Atcoder]ABC313 E - Duplicate090.000%
103135[Atcoder]ABC313 F - Flip Machines000.000%
103136[Atcoder]ABC313 G - Redistribution of Piles000.000%
103137[Atcoder]ABC313 Ex - Group Photo000.000%
103154[Atcoder]ABC315 E - Prerequisites0140.000%
103157[Atcoder]ABC315 Ex - Typical Convolution Problem000.000%
103170[Atcoder]ABC317 A - Potions070.000%
103173[Atcoder]ABC317 D - President050.000%
103181[Atcoder]ABC318 B - Overlapping sheets0170.000%
103182[Atcoder]ABC318 C - Blue Spring0230.000%
103185[Atcoder]ABC318 F - Octopus040.000%
103186[Atcoder]ABC318 G - Typical Path Problem010.000%
103190[Atcoder]ABC319 A - Legendary Players070.000%
103192[Atcoder]ABC319 C - False Hope040.000%
103194[Atcoder]ABC319 E - Bus Stops050.000%
103196[Atcoder]ABC319 G - Counting Shortest Paths000.000%
103201[Atcoder]ABC320 B - Longest Palindrome0120.000%
103203[Atcoder]ABC320 D - Relative Position0190.000%
103205[Atcoder]ABC320 F - Fuel Round Trip0230.000%
103214[Atcoder]ABC321 E - Complete Binary Tree080.000%
103221[Atcoder]ABC322 B - Prefix and Suffix0110.000%
103223[Atcoder]ABC322 D - Polyomino050.000%
103224[Atcoder]ABC322 E - Product Development050.000%
103234[Atcoder]ABC323 E - Playlist030.000%
103235[Atcoder]ABC323 F - Push and Carry020.000%
103243[Atcoder]ABC324 D - Square Permutation050.000%
103245[Atcoder]ABC324 F - Beautiful Path030.000%
103253[Atcoder]ABC325 D - Printing Machine040.000%
103254[Atcoder]ABC325 E - Our clients, please wait a moment030.000%
103255[Atcoder]ABC325 F - Sensor Optimization Dilemma 000.000%
103260[Atcoder]ABC326 A - 2UP3DOWN0160.000%
103262[Atcoder]ABC326 C - Peak0100.000%
103263[Atcoder]ABC326 D - ABC Puzzle060.000%
103272[Atcoder]ABC327 C - Number Place090.000%
103273[Atcoder]ABC327 D - Good Tuple Problem0130.000%
103275[Atcoder]ABC327 F - Apples000.000%
103276[Atcoder]ABC327 G - Many Good Tuple Problems000.000%
103290[Atcoder]ABC329 A - Spread0100.000%
103293[Atcoder]ABC329 D - Election Quick Report090.000%
103294[Atcoder]ABC329 E - Stamp070.000%
103300[Atcoder]ABC330 A - Counting Passes0100.000%
103304[Atcoder]ABC330 E - Mex and Update0110.000%
103313[Atcoder]ABC331 D - Tile Pattern0100.000%
103315[Atcoder]ABC331 F - Palindrome Query000.000%
103320[Atcoder]ABC332 A - Online Shopping050.000%
103323[Atcoder]ABC332 D - Swapping Puzzle000.000%
103325[Atcoder]ABC332 F - Random Update Query000.000%
103331[Atcoder]ABC333 B - Pentagon0200.000%
103332[Atcoder]ABC333 C - Repunit Trio070.000%
103340[Atcoder]ABC334 A - Christmas Present0130.000%
103345[Atcoder]ABC334 F - Christmas Present 2000.000%
103354[Atcoder]ABC335 E - Non-Decreasing Colorful Path000.000%
103355[Atcoder]ABC335 F - Hop Sugoroku010.000%
103356[Atcoder]ABC335 G - Discrete Logarithm Problems000.000%
103363[Atcoder]ABC336 D - Pyramid000.000%
103365[Atcoder]ABC336 F - Rotation Puzzle000.000%
103372[Atcoder]ABC337 C - Lining Up 20170.000%
103375[Atcoder]ABC337 F - Usual Color Ball Problems000.000%
103380[Atcoder]ABC338 A - Capitalized?0100.000%
103382[Atcoder]ABC338 C - Leftover Recipes060.000%
103392[Atcoder]ABC339 C - Perfect Bus0100.000%
103393[Atcoder]ABC339 D - Synchronized Players 060.000%
103395[Atcoder]ABC339 F - Product Equality030.000%
103400[Atcoder]ABC340 A - Arithmetic Progression070.000%
103401[Atcoder]ABC340 B - Append050.000%
103403[Atcoder]ABC340 D - Super Takahashi Bros.0210.000%
103410[Atcoder]ABC341 A - Print 341090.000%
103422[Atcoder]ABC342 C - Many Replacement0300.000%
103423[Atcoder]ABC342 D - Square Pair0320.000%
103436[Atcoder]ABC343 G - Compress Strings070.000%
103440[Atcoder]ABC344 A - Spoiler090.000%
103446[Atcoder]ABC344 G - Points and Comparison000.000%