Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
409142GYM103446 G Edge Groups000.000%
409143GYM103446 H Life is a Game000.000%
409144GYM103446 I Steadily Growing Steam000.000%
409145GYM103446 J Two Binary Strings Problem000.000%
409146GYM103446 K Circle of Life000.000%
409147GYM103446 L Three,Three,Three000.000%
409148GYM103446 M Harmony in Harmony000.000%
409149GYM103447 A So Many Lucky Strings000.000%
409150GYM103447 B Magical Subsequence000.000%
409151GYM103447 C Colorful Tree000.000%
409152GYM103447 D Math master000.000%
409153GYM103447 E Power and Modulo000.000%
409154GYM103447 F Master Spark000.000%
409155GYM103447 G Damaged Bicycle000.000%
409156GYM103447 H What logic for?000.000%
409157GYM103447 I Power and Zero000.000%
409158GYM103447 J Local Minimum000.000%
409159GYM103447 K Wonder Egg Priority000.000%
409160GYM103447 L Karshilov's Matching Problem000.000%
409161GYM103448 A 莫卡与 MCPC000.000%
409162GYM103448 B bb 去食堂000.000%
409163GYM103448 C 抵御阿草000.000%
409164GYM103448 D 皮卡丘与宝可梦对战模拟器000.000%
409165GYM103448 E 圣莫卡造题的七天000.000%
409166GYM103448 F PotasHub Copylot000.000%
409167GYM103448 G Serval 的字符串000.000%
409168GYM103448 H 狂乱000.000%
409169GYM103448 I Serval 的相对论000.000%
409170GYM103448 J 数据重命名000.000%
409171GYM103448 K 皮卡丘与 Minimum Spanning Tree-I000.000%
409172GYM103448 L 皮卡丘与 Minimum Spanning Tree-II000.000%
409185GYM103451 E One more splitting problem000.000%
409221GYM103463 A A simple problem000.000%
409232GYM103463 L Line problem000.000%
409236GYM103464 C Protected String000.000%
409238GYM103466 A A Hard Problem000.000%
409285GYM103478 A 皮卡丘与 Codeforces000.000%
409286GYM103478 B Serval 的元素周期表000.000%
409287GYM103478 C Popcount Game000.000%
409288GYM103478 D 不动数组000.000%
409289GYM103478 E 最后的轻语000.000%
409290GYM103478 F 魔法少女莫卡的诞生000.000%
409291GYM103478 G Serval 的数学课堂000.000%
409292GYM103478 H 莫卡与阿拉德大陆000.000%
409293GYM103478 I 皮卡丘与 PCPC 集训队000.000%
409294GYM103480 A 解开束缚缠丝Ⅱ000.000%
409295GYM103480 B 7 的意志000.000%
409296GYM103480 C 迷宫的十字路口000.000%
409297GYM103480 D 转动命运之轮000.000%
409298GYM103480 E 计算最小值000.000%
409299GYM103480 F 月光奏鸣曲000.000%
409300GYM103480 G 电子表校对000.000%
409301GYM103480 H 简单的 LRU 问题000.000%
409302GYM103480 I 好想听肆宝唱歌啊000.000%
409303GYM103480 J 毁灭凤凰人000.000%
409304GYM103480 K 欢迎来到杭师大000.000%
409305GYM103480 L Ayanoto 变形记000.000%
409306GYM103480 M P 龙学长的教诲000.000%
409307GYM103483 A Natives000.000%
409308GYM103483 B Balanced Illumination000.000%
409309GYM103483 C How Many Strings Are Less000.000%
409310GYM103483 D Exam registration000.000%
409311GYM103483 E Fair Robbery000.000%
409313GYM103483 G The Math of Sailing000.000%
409315GYM103483 I Wheel of Fortune000.000%
409317GYM103483 K Railroad sorting000.000%
409318GYM103483 L Birthday000.000%
409319GYM103485 A Trying to Impress Cleopatra000.000%
409320GYM103485 B Carlitos and the end of the world!000.000%
409321GYM103485 C Construction of precious stones000.000%
409322GYM103485 D Circular Pharaoh000.000%
409323GYM103485 E Protecting Roads000.000%
409324GYM103485 F Ramesses, Ra, and Roots000.000%
409325GYM103485 G The Diversity of the Library of Alexandria000.000%
409326GYM103485 H On the Way to Shopping - Easy000.000%
409327GYM103485 I On The Way To Shopping000.000%
409328GYM103485 J Feedback Meetings000.000%
409329GYM103485 K Tributes to the Pharaohs000.000%
409330GYM103485 L A tale of two cities000.000%
409331GYM103485 M Constellation collection000.000%
409332GYM103485 N Game Show000.000%
409334GYM103486 A Random Number Checker000.000%
409335GYM103486 B Arithmetic Exercise000.000%
409337GYM103486 D Rush Morning000.000%
409338GYM103486 E Great Detective TJC000.000%
409339GYM103486 F Cooking000.000%
409340GYM103486 G Matrix Repair000.000%
409341GYM103486 H Visit the Park000.000%
409342GYM103486 I Nim Game000.000%
409344GYM103486 K Bracket Sequence000.000%
409345GYM103486 L Suzuran Loves String000.000%
409346GYM103486 M Sequence000.000%
409347GYM103488 A All in!000.000%
409348GYM103488 B Boboge and Tall Building000.000%
409349GYM103488 C Constructive Problem000.000%
409350GYM103488 D Diseased String000.000%
409351GYM103488 E Equality000.000%
409352GYM103488 F Future Vision000.000%
409353GYM103488 G Generate 7 Colors000.000%
409354GYM103488 H Hile and Subsequences' MEX000.000%