Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
309411CF1675A. Food for Animals000.000%
309412CF1675B. Make It Increasing000.000%
309413CF1675C. Detective Task000.000%
309414CF1675D. Vertical Paths000.000%
309415CF1675E. Replace With the Previous, Minimize000.000%
309416CF1675F. Vlad and Unfinished Business000.000%
309417CF1675G. Sorting Pancakes000.000%
309484CF1687A. The Enchanted Forest000.000%
309485CF1687B. Railway System000.000%
309486CF1687C. Sanae and Giant Robot000.000%
309487CF1687D. Cute number000.000%
309488CF1687E. Become Big For Me000.000%
309489CF1687F. Koishi's Unconscious Permutation000.000%
310131CF1787A. Exponential Equation000.000%
310132CF1787B. Number Factorization000.000%
310133CF1787C. Remove the Bracket000.000%
310134CF1787D. Game on Axis000.000%
310135CF1787E. The Harmonization of XOR000.000%
310136CF1787F. Inverse Transformation030.000%
310137CF1787G. Colorful Tree Again000.000%
310138CF1787H. Codeforces Scoreboard000.000%
310139CF1787I. Treasure Hunt000.000%
310375CF1824A. LuoTianyi and the Show000.000%
310376CF1824B1. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Easy Version)000.000%
310377CF1824B2. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Hard Version)000.000%
310378CF1824C. LuoTianyi and XOR-Tree000.000%
310379CF1824D. LuoTianyi and the Function000.000%
310380CF1824E. LuoTianyi and Cartridge000.000%
310381CF1825A. LuoTianyi and the Palindrome String000.000%
310382CF1825B. LuoTianyi and the Table000.000%
310383CF1825C. LuoTianyi and the Show000.000%
310384CF1825D1. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Easy Version)000.000%
310385CF1825D2. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Hard Version)000.000%
310386CF1825E. LuoTianyi and XOR-Tree000.000%
310387CF1826A. Trust Nobody000.000%
310388CF1826B. Lunatic Never Content000.000%
310389CF1826C. Dreaming of Freedom000.000%
310390CF1826D. Running Miles000.000%
310391CF1826E. Walk the Runway000.000%
310392CF1826F. Fading into Fog000.000%
310393CF1827A. Counting Orders000.000%
310394CF1827B1. Range Sorting (Easy Version)000.000%
310395CF1827B2. Range Sorting (Hard Version)000.000%
310396CF1827C. Palindrome Partition000.000%
310397CF1827D. Two Centroids000.000%
310398CF1827E. Bus Routes000.000%
310399CF1827F. Copium Permutation000.000%
310400CF1828A. Divisible Array000.000%
310401CF1828B. Permutation Swap000.000%
310402CF1828C. Counting Orders000.000%
310403CF1828D1. Range Sorting (Easy Version)000.000%
310404CF1828D2. Range Sorting (Hard Version)000.000%
310405CF1828E. Palindrome Partition000.000%
310406CF1828F. Two Centroids000.000%
310407CF1829A. Love Story0100.000%
310408CF1829B. Blank Space080.000%
310409CF1829C. Mr. Perfectly Fine0110.000%
310410CF1829D. Gold Rush0100.000%
310411CF1829E. The Lakes0110.000%
310412CF1829F. Forever Winter060.000%
310413CF1829G. Hits Different0100.000%
310414CF1829H. Don't Blame Me080.000%
310415CF1830A. Copil Copac Draws Trees000.000%
310416CF1830B. The BOSS Can Count Pairs000.000%
310417CF1830C. Hyperregular Bracket Strings000.000%
310418CF1830D. Mex Tree000.000%
310419CF1830E. Bully Sort000.000%
310420CF1830F. The Third Grace000.000%
310421CF1831A. Twin Permutations000.000%
310422CF1831B. Array merging000.000%
310423CF1831C. Copil Copac Draws Trees000.000%
310424CF1831D. The BOSS Can Count Pairs000.000%
310425CF1831E. Hyperregular Bracket Strings000.000%
310426CF1831F. Mex Tree000.000%
310434CF1833A. Musical Puzzle050.000%
310435CF1833B. Restore the Weather070.000%
310436CF1833C. Vlad Building Beautiful Array070.000%
310437CF1833D. Flipper070.000%
310438CF1833E. Round Dance0160.000%
310439CF1833F. Ira and Flamenco0160.000%
310440CF1833G. Ksyusha and Chinchilla0100.000%
310441CF1834A. Unit Array000.000%
310442CF1834B. Maximum Strength000.000%
310443CF1834C. Game with Reversing000.000%
310444CF1834D. Survey in Class000.000%
310445CF1834E. MEX of LCM000.000%
310446CF1834F. Typewriter000.000%
310465CF1838A. Blackboard List000.000%
310466CF1838B. Minimize Permutation Subarrays000.000%
310467CF1838C. No Prime Differences000.000%
310468CF1838D. Bracket Walk000.000%
310469CF1838E. Count Supersequences000.000%
310470CF1838F. Stuck Conveyor000.000%
310471CF1839A. The Good Array000.000%
310472CF1839B. Lamps000.000%
310473CF1839C. Insert Zero and Invert Prefix000.000%
310474CF1839D. Ball Sorting000.000%
310475CF1839E. Decreasing Game000.000%
310476CF1840A. Cipher Shifer000.000%
310477CF1840B. Binary Cafe000.000%