Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
309613CF1706E. Qpwoeirut and Vertices000.000%
309616CF1707C. DFS Trees000.000%
309630CF1709E. XOR Tree000.000%
309653CF1713E. Cross Swapping000.000%
309724CF1725I. Imitating the Key Tree000.000%
309726CF1725K. Kingdom of Criticism000.000%
309731CF1726C. Jatayu's Balanced Bracket Sequence000.000%
309732CF1726D. Edge Split000.000%
309784CF1735C. Phase Shift000.000%
309804CF1738D. Permutation Addicts000.000%
309806CF1738F. Connectivity Addicts000.000%
309821CF1740G. Dangerous Laser Power000.000%
309911CF1758E. Tick, Tock000.000%
309931CF1761E. Make It Connected000.000%
309947CF1763F. Edge Queries000.000%
309953CF1764F. Doremy's Experimental Tree000.000%
310001CF1770D. Koxia and Game000.000%
310002CF1770E. Koxia and Tree000.000%
310076CF1779D. Boris and His Amazing Haircut000.000%
310086CF1780G. Delicious Dessert000.000%
310134CF1787D. Game on Axis000.000%
310145CF1788F. XOR, Tree, and Queries000.000%
310203CF1799E. City Union000.000%
310212CF1800E1. Unforgivable Curse (easy version)000.000%
310213CF1800E2. Unforgivable Curse (hard version)000.000%
310220CF1797E. Li Hua and Array000.000%
310221CF1797F. Li Hua and Path000.000%
310232CF1801E. Gasoline prices000.000%
310248CF1804G. Flow Control000.000%
310260CF1806D. DSU Master000.000%
310290CF1810E. Monsters000.000%
310318CF1814F. Communication Towers000.000%
310706CF1873H. Mad City010.000%
311342CF1971G. XOUR070.000%
403324GYM101124 G Midsummer Fires (64 MB ML!)000.000%
404086GYM101410 G Midsummer Fires (64 MB ML!)000.000%
405777GYM102078 A Pictionary000.000%
405778GYM102078 B Points000.000%
408368GYM103107 H Hack DSU!000.000%