Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
2432[C++一本通-图论算法]例4-1 最短路径问题short8719245.312%
7020BZOJ3020:[Balkan2012]Shortest paths
7084BZOJ3084:[Algorithmic Engagements 2011]The Shortest Period
100513[AtCoder]ABC051 D - Candidates of No Shortest Paths000.000%
101775[AtCoder]ABC177 F - I hate Shortest Path Problem000.000%
102083[AtCoder]ABC208 D - Shortest Path Queries 2000.000%
102113[AtCoder]ABC211 D - Number of Shortest paths000.000%
102326[AtCoder]ABC232 G - Modulo Shortest Path000.000%
102445[AtCoder]ABC244 F - Shortest Good Path000.000%
103155[Atcoder]ABC315 F - Shortcuts0130.000%
103196[Atcoder]ABC319 G - Counting Shortest Paths000.000%
103623[Atcoder]ABC362 D - Shortest Path 30120.000%
201104[AtCoder]ARC110 E - Shorten ABC000.000%
201401[AtCoder]ARC140 B - Shorten ARC000.000%
300007CF3A. Shortest path of the king010.000%
300309CF59E. Shortest Path000.000%
300398CF75E. Ship's Shortest Path000.000%
303562CF689B. Mike and Shortcuts000.000%
304410CF843D. Dynamic Shortest Path000.000%
304423CF845G. Shortest Path Problem?000.000%
304611CF878A. Short Program000.000%
304618CF879C. Short Program000.000%
304944CF938G. Shortest Path Queries000.000%
305102CF965E. Short Code000.000%
305311CF1005F. Berland and the Shortest Paths000.000%
305545CF1051F. The Shortest Statement000.000%
306316CF1178F1. Short Colorful Strip000.000%
306488CF1205B. Shortest Cycle000.000%
306496CF1206D. Shortest Cycle000.000%
307123CF1304D. Shortest and Longest LIS000.000%
307511CF1367A. Short Substrings000.000%
308052CF1458E. Nim Shortcuts000.000%
308400CF1512G. Short Task0130.000%
308612CF1547A. Shortest Path with Obstacle000.000%
308924CF1599G. Shortest path000.000%
308935CF1600H. Shortest path000.000%
309253CF1650G. Counting Shortcuts000.000%
310699CF1873A. Short Sort030.000%
310921CF1909I. Short Permutation Problem000.000%
311212CF1950E. Nearly Shortest Repeating Substring070.000%
400103GYM100048 A Walk000.000%
400104GYM100048 B Binom000.000%
400105GYM100048 C K Smallest Sums000.000%
400106GYM100049 A Chemistry000.000%
400107GYM100049 B Bound Found000.000%
400108GYM100049 C Petya and Coloring000.000%
400334GYM100142 D The Shortest does not Mean the Simplest000.000%
400369GYM100153 E Shortest Path000.000%
400628GYM100216 E Shortest Path000.000%
401903GYM100570 B ShortestPath Query000.000%
401911GYM100571 D ShortestPath Query000.000%
402580GYM100812 G Short Path000.000%
403603GYM101205 J Shortest Flight Path000.000%
403667GYM101237 D Short Enough Task000.000%
403668GYM101237 E Another Short Problem000.000%
403904GYM101365 I Shortest Paths000.000%
404264GYM101468 I "Shortest" pair of paths000.000%
404407GYM101498 L The Shortest Path000.000%
405171GYM101808 K Another Shortest Path Problem000.000%
405398GYM101951 A Ethan Finds the Shortest Path000.000%
405477GYM101972 C Shortest Path!000.000%
405488GYM101978 C Ethan Sums Shortest Distances000.000%
405521GYM101986 D Making Perimeter of the Convex Hull Shortest000.000%
405666GYM102028 G Shortest Paths on Random Forests000.000%
405782GYM102082 D Shortest Common Non-Subsequence000.000%
405900GYM102155 B Short Random Problem000.000%
406839GYM102569 D Lexicographically Minimal Shortest Path000.000%
407463GYM102800 E Shorten the Array000.000%
407719GYM102881 H Shortest Array000.000%
408210GYM103055 D Shortest Path Query000.000%
409930GYM103855 M Short Question000.000%
410683GYM104076 I Shortest Path000.000%
410970GYM104172 D Shortest Path Query