Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
201215[AtCoder]ARC121 F - Logical Operations on Tree000.000%
201231[AtCoder]ARC123 B - Increasing Triples000.000%
201232[AtCoder]ARC123 C - 1, 2, 3 - Decomposition000.000%
201233[AtCoder]ARC123 D - Inc, Dec - Decomposition000.000%
201243[AtCoder]ARC124 D - Yet Another Sorting Problem000.000%
201244[AtCoder]ARC124 E - Pass to Next000.000%
201250[AtCoder]ARC125 A - Dial Up000.000%
201263[AtCoder]ARC126 D - Pure Straight000.000%
201264[AtCoder]ARC126 E - Infinite Operations000.000%
201274[AtCoder]ARC127 E - Priority Queue000.000%
201291[AtCoder]ARC129 B - Range Point Distance000.000%
201292[AtCoder]ARC129 C - Multiple of 7000.000%
201295[AtCoder]ARC129 F - Let's Play Tag000.000%
201305[AtCoder]ARC130 F - Replace by Average000.000%
201311[AtCoder]ARC131 B - Grid Repainting 4000.000%
201315[AtCoder]ARC131 F - ARC Stamp000.000%
201320[AtCoder]ARC132 A - Permutation Grid000.000%
201324[AtCoder]ARC132 E - Paw000.000%
201345[AtCoder]ARC134 F - Flipping Coins000.000%
201350[AtCoder]ARC135 A - Floor, Ceil - Decomposition000.000%
201354[AtCoder]ARC135 E - Sequence of Multiples000.000%
201361[AtCoder]ARC136 B - Triple Shift000.000%
201364[AtCoder]ARC136 E - Non-coprime DAG000.000%
201365[AtCoder]ARC136 F - Flip Cells000.000%
201370[AtCoder]ARC137 A - Coprime Pair000.000%
201373[AtCoder]ARC137 D - Prefix XORs000.000%
201375[AtCoder]ARC137 F - Overlaps000.000%
201382[AtCoder]ARC138 C - Rotate and Play Game000.000%
201393[AtCoder]ARC139 D - Priority Queue 2000.000%
201395[AtCoder]ARC139 F - Many Xor Optimization Problems000.000%
201402[AtCoder]ARC140 C - ABS Permutation (LIS ver.)000.000%
201405[AtCoder]ARC140 F - ABS Permutation (Count ver.)000.000%
201410[AtCoder]ARC141 A - Periodic Number000.000%
201411[AtCoder]ARC141 B - Increasing Prefix XOR000.000%
201412[AtCoder]ARC141 C - Bracket and Permutation000.000%
201423[AtCoder]ARC142 D - Deterministic Placing000.000%
201424[AtCoder]ARC142 E - Pairing Wizards000.000%
201425[AtCoder]ARC142 F - Paired Wizards000.000%
201432[AtCoder]ARC143 C - Piles of Pebbles000.000%
201444[AtCoder]ARC144 E - GCD of Path Weights000.000%
201450[AtCoder]ARC145 A - AB Palindrome000.000%
201452[AtCoder]ARC145 C - Split and Maximize000.000%
201453[AtCoder]ARC145 D - Non Arithmetic Progression Set000.000%
201461[AtCoder]ARC146 B - Plus and AND000.000%
201464[AtCoder]ARC146 E - Simple Speed000.000%
201465[AtCoder]ARC146 F - Simple Solitaire000.000%
201471[AtCoder]ARC147 B - Swap to Sort000.000%
201481[AtCoder]ARC148 B - dp000.000%
201490[AtCoder]ARC149 A - Repdigit Number000.000%
201492[AtCoder]ARC149 C - Avoid Prime Sum000.000%
201502[AtCoder]ARC150 C - Path and Subsequence000.000%
201511[AtCoder]ARC151 B - A < AP000.000%
201513[AtCoder]ARC151 D - Binary Representations and Queries000.000%
201514[AtCoder]ARC151 E - Keep Being Substring000.000%
201520[AtCoder]ARC152 A - Seat Occupation000.000%
201521[AtCoder]ARC152 B - Pass on Path000.000%
201522[AtCoder]ARC152 C - Pivot000.000%
201535[AtCoder]ARC153 F - Tri-Colored Paths000.000%
201540[AtCoder]ARC154 A - Swap Digit000.000%
201541[AtCoder]ARC154 B - New Place000.000%
201550[AtCoder]ARC155 A - ST and TS Palindrome000.000%
201552[AtCoder]ARC155 C - Even Sum Triplet000.000%
201553[AtCoder]ARC155 D - Avoid Coprime Game000.000%
201554[AtCoder]ARC155 E - Split and Square000.000%
201560[AtCoder]ARC156 A - Non-Adjacent Flip000.000%
300002CF1B. Spreadsheets000.000%
300004CF2A. Winner000.000%
300005CF2B. The least round way000.000%
300006CF2C. Commentator problem000.000%
300007CF3A. Shortest path of the king010.000%
300009CF3C. Tic-tac-toe010.000%
300013CF4C. Registration system000.000%
300014CF4D. Mysterious Present000.000%
300015CF5A. Chat Server's Outgoing Traffic000.000%
300016CF5B. Center Alignment000.000%
300017CF5C. Longest Regular Bracket Sequence000.000%
300018CF5D. Follow Traffic Rules000.000%
300021CF6B. President's Office000.000%
300023CF6D. Lizards and Basements 2000.000%
300024CF6E. Exposition000.000%
300026CF7B. Memory Manager000.000%
300028CF7D. Palindrome Degree000.000%
300029CF7E. Defining Macros000.000%
300030CF8A. Train and Peter000.000%
300031CF8B. Obsession with Robots000.000%
300032CF8C. Looking for Order000.000%
300034CF8E. Beads000.000%
300035CF9A. Die Roll000.000%
300036CF9B. Running Student000.000%
300037CF9C. Hexadecimal's Numbers000.000%
300038CF9D. How many trees?000.000%
300039CF9E. Interesting Graph and Apples000.000%
300040CF10A. Power Consumption Calculation000.000%
300041CF10B. Cinema Cashier000.000%
300043CF10D. LCIS000.000%
300045CF11A. Increasing Sequence000.000%
300046CF11B. Jumping Jack000.000%
300047CF11C. How Many Squares?000.000%
300048CF11D. A Simple Task000.000%
300049CF11E. Forward, march!000.000%