Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
102155[AtCoder]ABC215 F - Dist Max 2000.000%
102156[AtCoder]ABC215 G - Colorful Candies 2000.000%
102157[AtCoder]ABC215 H - Cabbage Master000.000%
103150[Atcoder]ABC315 A - tcdr0170.000%
103151[Atcoder]ABC315 B - The Middle Day0130.000%
103152[Atcoder]ABC315 C - Flavors0170.000%
103153[Atcoder]ABC315 D - Magical Cookies0220.000%
103154[Atcoder]ABC315 E - Prerequisites0140.000%
103155[Atcoder]ABC315 F - Shortcuts0130.000%
103156[Atcoder]ABC315 G - Ai + Bj + Ck = X (1 <= i, j, k <= N)000.000%
103157[Atcoder]ABC315 Ex - Typical Convolution Problem000.000%
201150[AtCoder]ARC115 A - Two Choices000.000%
201151[AtCoder]ARC115 B - Plus Matrix000.000%
201152[AtCoder]ARC115 C - ℕ Coloring000.000%
201153[AtCoder]ARC115 D - Odd Degree000.000%
201154[AtCoder]ARC115 E - LEQ and NEQ000.000%
201155[AtCoder]ARC115 F - Migration000.000%
201500[AtCoder]ARC150 A - Continuous 1000.000%
201501[AtCoder]ARC150 B - Make Divisible000.000%
201502[AtCoder]ARC150 C - Path and Subsequence000.000%
201503[AtCoder]ARC150 D - Removing Gacha000.000%
201504[AtCoder]ARC150 E - Weathercock000.000%
201505[AtCoder]ARC150 F - Constant Sum Subsequence000.000%
201510[AtCoder]ARC151 A - Equal Hamming Distances000.000%
201511[AtCoder]ARC151 B - A < AP000.000%
201512[AtCoder]ARC151 C - 01 Game000.000%
201513[AtCoder]ARC151 D - Binary Representations and Queries000.000%
201514[AtCoder]ARC151 E - Keep Being Substring000.000%
201515[AtCoder]ARC151 F - RGB Card Game000.000%
201520[AtCoder]ARC152 A - Seat Occupation000.000%
201521[AtCoder]ARC152 B - Pass on Path000.000%
201522[AtCoder]ARC152 C - Pivot000.000%
201523[AtCoder]ARC152 D - Halftree000.000%
201524[AtCoder]ARC152 E - Xor Annihilation000.000%
201525[AtCoder]ARC152 F - Attraction on Tree000.000%
201530[AtCoder]ARC153 A - AABCDDEFE000.000%
201531[AtCoder]ARC153 B - Grid Rotations000.000%
201532[AtCoder]ARC153 C - ± Increasing Sequence000.000%
201533[AtCoder]ARC153 D - Sum of Sum of Digits000.000%
201534[AtCoder]ARC153 E - Deque Minimization000.000%
201535[AtCoder]ARC153 F - Tri-Colored Paths000.000%
201540[AtCoder]ARC154 A - Swap Digit000.000%
201541[AtCoder]ARC154 B - New Place000.000%
201542[AtCoder]ARC154 C - Roller000.000%
201543[AtCoder]ARC154 D - A + B > C ?000.000%
201544[AtCoder]ARC154 E - Reverse and Inversion000.000%
201545[AtCoder]ARC154 F - Dice Game000.000%
201550[AtCoder]ARC155 A - ST and TS Palindrome000.000%
201551[AtCoder]ARC155 B - Abs Abs Function000.000%
201552[AtCoder]ARC155 C - Even Sum Triplet000.000%
201553[AtCoder]ARC155 D - Avoid Coprime Game000.000%
201554[AtCoder]ARC155 E - Split and Square000.000%
201555[AtCoder]ARC155 F - Directable as Desired000.000%
201560[AtCoder]ARC156 A - Non-Adjacent Flip000.000%
201561[AtCoder]ARC156 B - Mex on Blackboard000.000%
201562[AtCoder]ARC156 C - Tree and LCS000.000%
201563[AtCoder]ARC156 D - Xor Sum 5000.000%
201564[AtCoder]ARC156 E - Non-Adjacent Matching000.000%
201565[AtCoder]ARC156 F - Make Same Set000.000%
201570[AtCoder]ARC157 A - XXYYX000.000%
201571[AtCoder]ARC157 B - XYYYX000.000%
201572[AtCoder]ARC157 C - YY Square000.000%
201573[AtCoder]ARC157 D - YY Garden000.000%
201574[AtCoder]ARC157 E - XXYX Binary Tree000.000%
201575[AtCoder]ARC157 F - XY Ladder LCS000.000%
300004CF2A. Winner000.000%
300041CF10B. Cinema Cashier000.000%
300065CF15A. Cottage Village000.000%
300066CF15B. Laser000.000%
300067CF15C. Industrial Nim000.000%
300068CF15D. Map000.000%
300069CF15E. Triangles000.000%
300076CF17B. Hierarchy000.000%
300080CF18A. Triangle000.000%
300098CF22B. Bargaining Table000.000%
300108CF24B. F1 Champions000.000%
300133CF29B. Traffic Lights000.000%
300143CF31B. Sysadmin Bob000.000%
300164CF35C. Fire Again000.000%
300194CF39J. Spelling Check000.000%
300217CF44B. Cola000.000%
300257CF49B. Sum000.000%
300262CF50B. Choosing Symbol Pairs000.000%
300278CF53D. Physical Education000.000%
300331CF64B. Expression000.000%
300382CF72I. Goofy Numbers000.000%
300390CF74B. Train000.000%
300395CF75B. Facetook Priority Wall010.000%
300455CF87A. Trains000.000%
300461CF88B. Keyboard000.000%
300462CF88C. Trains000.000%
300475CF91A. Newspaper Headline000.000%
300476CF91B. Queue000.000%
300482CF92C. Newspaper Headline000.000%
300483CF92D. Queue000.000%
300521CF100B. Friendly Numbers000.000%
300523CF100D. World of Mouth000.000%
300528CF100I. Rotation000.000%
300541CF103B. Cthulhu000.000%
300547CF104C. Cthulhu000.000%