Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
310149CF1789D. Serval and Shift-Shift-Shift000.000%
310151CF1789F. Serval and Brain Power000.000%
310156CF1790E. Vlad and a Pair of Numbers000.000%
310170CF1792D. Fixed Prefix Permutations000.000%
310191CF1795G. Removal Sequences000.000%
310206CF1799H. Tree Cutting000.000%
310214CF1800F. Dasha and Nightmares000.000%
310228CF1801A. The Very Beautiful Blanket000.000%
310237CF1802C. The Very Beautiful Blanket000.000%
310246CF1804E. Routing000.000%
310249CF1804H. Code Lock000.000%
310250CF1805A. We Need the Zero000.000%
310271CF1807G2. Subsequence Addition (Hard Version)000.000%
310322CF1815D. XOR Counting000.000%
310391CF1826E. Walk the Runway000.000%
310409CF1829C. Mr. Perfectly Fine0110.000%
310414CF1829H. Don't Blame Me080.000%
310449CF1835C. Twin Clusters000.000%
310452CF1835F. Good Graph000.000%
310477CF1840B. Binary Cafe000.000%
310491CF1842B. Tenzing and Books000.000%
310497CF1842H. Tenzing and Random Real Numbers000.000%
310501CF1843C. Sum in Binary Tree000.000%
310513CF1844G. Tree Weights000.000%
310528CF1846G. Rudolf and CodeVid-23000.000%
310530CF1847B. Hamon Odyssey000.000%
310531CF1847C. Vampiric Powers, anyone?000.000%
310534CF1847F. The Boss's Identity000.000%
310540CF1848F. Vika and Wiki000.000%
310546CF1849F. XOR Partition000.000%
310560CF1851F. Lisa and the Martians000.000%
310576CF1854B. Earn or Unlock000.000%
310585CF1855D. Earn or Unlock000.000%
310593CF1856E2. PermuTree (hard version)000.000%
310624CF1861F. Four Suits000.000%
310630CF1862F. Magic Will Save the World000.000%
310637CF1863F. Divide, XOR, and Conquer000.000%
310643CF1864C. Divisor Chain000.000%
310645CF1864E. Guess Game000.000%
310664CF1867B. XOR Palindromes000.000%
310671CF1868B1. Candy Party (Easy Version)000.000%
310672CF1868B2. Candy Party (Hard Version)000.000%
310680CF1869D1. Candy Party (Easy Version)000.000%
310681CF1869D2. Candy Party (Hard Version)000.000%
310685CF1870B. Friendly Arrays000.000%
310688CF1870E. Another MEX Problem000.000%
310696CF1872E. Data Structures Fan000.000%
310708CF1874B. Jellyfish and Math000.000%
310716CF1875C. Jellyfish and Green Apple000.000%
310718CF1875E. Jellyfish and Math000.000%
310739CF1878E. Iva & Pav000.000%
310741CF1878G. wxhtzdy ORO Tree000.000%
310745CF1879D. Sum of XOR Functions000.000%
310756CF1882B. Sets and Union000.000%
310758CF1882D. Tree XOR000.000%
310765CF1883E. Look Back000.000%
310779CF1886E. I Wanna be the Team Leader000.000%
310828CF1895D. XOR Construction000.000%
310857CF1900D. Small GCD000.000%
310873CF1903B. StORage room000.000%
310875CF1903D1. Maximum And Queries (easy version)000.000%
310876CF1903D2. Maximum And Queries (hard version)000.000%
310913CF1909B. Make Almost Equal With Mod000.000%
310916CF1909E. Multiple Lamps000.000%
310936CF1911E. Powers Of Two000.000%
310954CF1913C. Game with Multiset000.000%
310967CF1915A. Odd One Out020.000%
310968CF1915B. Not Quite Latin Square020.000%
310988CF1917F. Construct Tree000.000%
310991CF1918C. XOR-distance000.000%
311023CF1922E. Increasing Subsequences000.000%
311046CF1926D. Vlad and Division000.000%
311047CF1926E. Vlad and an Odd Ordering000.000%
311048CF1926F. Vlad and Avoiding X000.000%
311067CF1929E. Sasha and the Happy Tree Cutting000.000%
311073CF1930D2. Sum over all Substrings (Hard Version)000.000%
311075CF1930F. Maximize the Difference000.000%
311099CF1933G. Turtle Magic: Royal Turtle Shell Pattern000.000%
311103CF1934D1. XOR Break — Solo Version000.000%
311104CF1934D2. XOR Break — Game Version000.000%
311110CF1935E. Distance Learning Courses in MAC000.000%
311112CF1936A. Bitwise Operation Wizard000.000%
311115CF1936D. Bitwise Paradox000.000%
311120CF1937C. Bitwise Operation Wizard000.000%
311170CF1944B. Equal XOR000.000%
311187CF1946D. Birthday Gift000.000%
311196CF1948G. MST with Matching000.000%
311213CF1950F. 0, 1, 2, Tree!0170.000%
311214CF1950G. Shuffling Songs0140.000%
311232CF1952I. Dark Matter000.000%
311248CF1955H. The Most Reckless Defense000.000%
311252CF1956D. Nene and the Mex Operator000.000%
311257CF1957B. A BIT of a Construction000.000%
311259CF1957D. A BIT of an Inequality000.000%
311282CF1965B. Missing Subsequence Sum000.000%
311296CF1967C. Fenwick Tree000.000%
311335CF1970G3. Min-Fund Prison (Hard)000.000%
311352CF1973B. Cat, Fox and the Lonely Array000.000%
311356CF1973F. Maximum GCD Sum Queries000.000%
311369CF1975F. Set000.000%