Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306768CF1249F. Maximum Weight Subset000.000%
307058CF1295A. Display The Number000.000%
307059CF1295B. Infinite Prefixes000.000%
307060CF1295C. Obtain The String000.000%
307061CF1295D. Same GCDs000.000%
307062CF1295E. Permutation Separation000.000%
307063CF1295F. Good Contest000.000%
307677CF1395A. Boboniu Likes to Color Balls000.000%
307678CF1395B. Boboniu Plays Chess000.000%
307679CF1395C. Boboniu and Bit Operations000.000%
307680CF1395D. Boboniu Chats with Du000.000%
307681CF1395E. Boboniu Walks on Graph000.000%
307682CF1395F. Boboniu and String000.000%
307792CF1418A. Buying Torches000.000%
307793CF1418B. Negative Prefixes000.000%
307794CF1418C. Mortal Kombat Tower000.000%
307795CF1418D. Trash Problem000.000%
307796CF1418E. Expected Damage000.000%
307797CF1418F. Equal Product000.000%
307798CF1418G. Three Occurrences000.000%
308101CF1467A. Wizard of Orz000.000%
308102CF1467B. Hills And Valleys000.000%
308103CF1467C. Three Bags000.000%
308104CF1467D. Sum of Paths000.000%
308105CF1467E. Distinctive Roots in a Tree000.000%
308292CF1495A. Diamond Miner000.000%
308293CF1495B. Let's Go Hiking000.000%
308294CF1495C. Garden of the Sun000.000%
308295CF1495D. BFS Trees000.000%
308296CF1495E. Qingshan and Daniel000.000%
308297CF1495F. Squares000.000%
309508CF1691A. Beat The Odds000.000%
309509CF1691B. Shoe Shuffling000.000%
309510CF1691C. Sum of Substrings000.000%
309511CF1691D. Max GEQ Sum000.000%
309512CF1691E. Number of Groups000.000%
309513CF1691F. K-Set Tree000.000%
309534CF1695A. Subrectangle Guess000.000%
309535CF1695B. Circle Game000.000%
309536CF1695C. Zero Path000.000%
309537CF1695D1. Tree Queries (Easy Version)000.000%
309538CF1695D2. Tree Queries (Hard Version)000.000%
309539CF1695E. Ambiguous Dominoes000.000%
310185CF1795A. Two Towers000.000%
310186CF1795B. Ideal Point000.000%
310187CF1795C. Tea Tasting010.000%
310188CF1795D. Triangle Coloring000.000%
310189CF1795E. Explosions?000.000%
310190CF1795F. Blocking Chips000.000%
310191CF1795G. Removal Sequences000.000%
310692CF1872A. Two Vessels000.000%
310693CF1872B. The Corridor or There and Back Again000.000%
310694CF1872C. Non-coprime Split000.000%
310695CF1872D. Plus Minus Permutation000.000%
310696CF1872E. Data Structures Fan000.000%
310697CF1872F. Selling a Menagerie000.000%
310698CF1872G. Replace With Product000.000%
310825CF1895A. Treasure Chest000.000%
310826CF1895B. Points and Minimum Distance000.000%
310827CF1895C. Torn Lucky Ticket000.000%
310828CF1895D. XOR Construction000.000%
310829CF1895E. Infinite Card Game000.000%
310830CF1895F. Fancy Arrays000.000%
310831CF1895G. Two Characters, Two Colors000.000%
311208CF1950A. Stair, Peak, or Neither?0100.000%
311209CF1950B. Upscaling040.000%
311210CF1950C. Clock Conversion040.000%
311211CF1950D. Product of Binary Decimals070.000%
311212CF1950E. Nearly Shortest Repeating Substring070.000%
311213CF1950F. 0, 1, 2, Tree!0170.000%
311214CF1950G. Shuffling Songs0140.000%
311215CF1951A. Dual Trigger000.000%
311216CF1951B. Battle Cows000.000%
311217CF1951C. Ticket Hoarding000.000%
311218CF1951D. Buying Jewels000.000%
311219CF1951E. No Palindromes000.000%
311220CF1951F. Inversion Composition000.000%
311221CF1951G. Clacking Balls000.000%
311222CF1951H. Thanos Snap000.000%
311223CF1951I. Growing Trees000.000%
311224CF1952A. Are You a Robot, Again?000.000%
311225CF1952B. Is it stated?000.000%
311226CF1952C. They Have Fooled000.000%
311227CF1952D. Are You a Procrastinator?000.000%
311228CF1952E. Sweep Line000.000%
311229CF1952F. Grid000.000%
311230CF1952G. Mathematician Takeover000.000%
311231CF1952H. Palindrome000.000%
311232CF1952I. Dark Matter000.000%
311233CF1952J. Help, what does it mean to be "Based"000.000%
311234CF1953A. Accuracy-Preserving Summation Algorithm000.000%
311235CF1954A. Painting the Ribbon000.000%
311236CF1954B. Make It Ugly000.000%
311237CF1954C. Long Multiplication000.000%
311238CF1954D. Colored Balls000.000%
311239CF1954E. Chain Reaction000.000%
311240CF1954F. Unique Strings000.000%
311241CF1955A. Yogurt Sale000.000%
311242CF1955B. Progressive Square000.000%
311243CF1955C. Inhabitant of the Deep Sea000.000%